音乐 Better With You(Live)-余景天 的MP3下载


音乐名称:Better With You(Live)-余景天
专辑名称:2024年春节联欢晚会歌曲大合集 -海南
更新日期:2024-03-10 15:35:19



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好听的音乐:Better With You(Live)-余景天

Better With You (Live) - 余景天
I\'ll be a floater when you\'re with me on the water
I\'ll be a dock when you get close yeah
I\'ll be the one to say your favorite show run colour
I\'ll be a light when it gets dark yeah
It\'s just like monopoly the way I play it over
Tryna get some answers from you oh oh
Played all the mobile games you showed me over my shoulder
Just so I can spend time with you
There\'s just something I should know
When your head lay on my shoulder it\'s a joke
Drinking from one can with me just proves you
Can only see you smiling
I\'m just better with you
Hu hu hu
Hu hu hu
Hu hu hu
And when we leave after school
I am just better with you
Catch the sun before it drops drops
There\'s no time on the clock clock
Missed the time when you\'re green
You\'re the wish that I got got
You\'re just like flowers that bloomed in the winter
Can\'t see no more so let me get closer
Tryna drive you back home got no chance when the movie ends
Even when I haven\'t passed I mean the driving test
You know that you taught me how to ride
Some we stewed a peace I bike
Something with you is so new but I like it
It\'s just like monopoly the way I play it over
Tryna get some answers from you oh oh
Played all the mobile games you showed me over my shoulder
Just so I can spend time with you
There\'s just something I should know
When your head lay on my shoulder it\'s a joke
Drinking from one can with me just proves you
Broke can only see you smiling
I\'m just better with you
Hu hu hu
And when we leave after school
I am just better with you
Thinking about when we used to play pool
Thought you know so I didn\'t ask you
Looking back I wish I could tell you
Your my dream that just didn\'t come true
There\'s just something I should know
When your head lay on my shoulder it\'s a joke
Drinking from one can with me just proves you
Broke can only see you smiling
I\'m just better with you
Hu hu hu
And when we leave after school
I am just better with you

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