音乐 MEGUANXIDEYO-椅子乐团 The Chairs 的MP3下载


音乐名称:MEGUANXIDEYO-椅子乐团 The Chairs
歌手名称:椅子乐团 The Chairs
更新日期:2023-09-25 21:59:08



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好听的音乐:MEGUANXIDEYO-椅子乐团 The Chairs

MEGUANXIDEYO - 椅子乐团 The Chairs
编曲:椅子乐团 The Chairs
Jing ordered a pizza Meat lovers pizza
With thick double-decker crust
But he missed the notice sign: Baking Required
First time in Austin In Holiday Inn there\'s noting
But nothing can ever stop Jing
He microwaved the uncooked thing
Eww soggy
And ate half of it
If you\'re being stupid again oh Meiguan Xideyo
You\'re just being yourself again oh Wodongnio
If there\'s something missing again oh Meiguan Xideyo
You\'re just being yourself again oh Wodongnio
Jing lost his head just as expected there he go again
This time what he\'s done in sum well he broke his leg
First time skateboarding he tried to skate the bowl but no
He lost his balance there
His leg bent in a peculiar way you know what happened next
If you\'re being stupid again oh Meiguan Xideyo
You\'re just being yourself again oh Wodongnio
If there\'s something missing again oh Meiguan Xideyo
You\'re just being yourself again oh Wodongnio
Don\'t matter anymore anymore how many more many more I\'ll be there
Don\'t matter anymore anymore how many more many more I\'ll be there
Don\'t matter anymore anymore how many more many more I\'ll be there
Don\'t matter anymore anymore how many more many more I\'ll be there

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