音乐 Stay (cover: Justin Bieber/The Kid LAROI)-OttoWu 的MP3下载


音乐名称:Stay (cover: Justin Bieber/The Kid LAROI)-OttoWu
更新日期:2021-08-11 00:36:16



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好听的音乐:Stay (cover: Justin Bieber/The Kid LAROI)-OttoWu

I do the same thing I told you that I never would 我曾说我有所不为 如今却出尔反尔
I told you I'd change, even when I knew I never could 我曾说我会改变 纵使我深知我死性难改
I know that I can’t find nobody else as good as you 我知道你是我的命中注定
I need you to stay, need you to stay, hey 我渴求你的驻足
I get drunk, wake up, I'm wasted still 我在醉溺与酒醒中徒耗时光
I realize the time that I wasted here 我察觉到时光已然不足
I feel like you can't feel the way I feel 我预感你并不与我感同身受
Oh, I’ll be ****ed up, if you can't be right here 若你陪伴不再 一切将混乱不堪
Oh, ooh-woah (Oh, ooh-woah)
Oh, ooh-woah (Oh, ooh-woah)
Oh, ooh-woah (Oh, ooh-woah)
Oh, I'll be ****ed up, if you can't be right here 若你陪伴不再 一切将混乱不堪
I do the same thing I told you that I never would 我曾说我有所不为 如今却出尔反尔
I told you I'd change, even when I knew I never could 我曾说我会改变 纵使我深知我死性难改
I know that I can't find nobody else as good as you 我知道你是我的命中注定
I need you to stay, need you to stay, hey 我渴求你的驻足
I do the same thing I told you that I never would 我曾说我有所不为 如今却出尔反尔
I told you I'd change, even when I knew I never could 我曾说我会改变 纵使我深知我死性难改
I know that I can't find nobody else as good as you 我知道你是我的命中注定
I need you to stay, need you to stay, hey 我渴求你的驻足
When I’m away from you I miss your touch (Ooh) 每当你我远隔天涯 我总思念着你的抚触
You’re the reason I believe in love (Ooh) 是你 令我深陷于爱无法自已
It's been difficult for me to trust (Ooh) 于我而言 早已难以去相信
And I’m afraid that I'ma **** it up (Ooh) 我惶恐于我的混乱不堪
Ain't no way that I can leave you stranded 弃你而去 已是无望
'Cause you ain’t never left me empty-handed 只因你未曾留我孤独 两手空空
And you know that I know that I can't live without you 而我的生命离不开你
So, baby, stay 亲爱的 留下来
Oh, ooh-woah (Oh, ooh-woah)
Oh, ooh-woah (Oh, ooh-woah)
Oh, ooh-woah (Oh, ooh-woah)
I'll be ****ed up if you can't be right here 若你陪伴不再 一切将混乱不堪
I do the same thing I told you that I never would 我曾说我有所不为 如今却出尔反尔
I told you I'd change, even when I knew I never could 我曾说我会改变 纵使我深知我死性难改
I know that I can't find nobody else as good as you 我知道你是我的命中注定
I need you to stay, need you to stay, hey 我渴求你的驻足
I do the same thing I told you that I never would 我曾说我有所不为 如今却出尔反尔
I told you I'd change, even when I knew I never could 我曾说我会改变 纵使我深知我死性难改
I know that I can't find nobody else as good as you 我知道你是我的命中注定
I need you to stay, need you to stay, hey 我渴求你的驻足
I need you to stay, need you to stay, hey 我渴求你的驻足

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