音乐 I‘m So Stupid-曹轩宾 的MP3下载


音乐名称:I‘m So Stupid-曹轩宾
专辑名称:I'm So Stupid
更新日期:2020-11-18 09:24:43



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好听的音乐:I‘m So Stupid-曹轩宾

I'm So Stupid
Composer:Jian Chao Deng
Lyrics:Jian Chao Deng
Producer: ShaneBin Cao
Music Arranger :Chen Wan
Vocal Recorded:Yan Xiao He @SBMS Beijing
Vocal Edit:WenBo Ru @SBMS Beijing
Mixed:Jing Zhao BIG.J@SBMS Beijing
Mastered:Jing Zhao BIG.J@SBMS Beijing
I'm so stupid,
Believe what you said,
Again and again and again.
I'm so foolish.
Into a vortex,
dreaming of dreaming of you.
Sit where you were and wait for the sun to set.
Make a cup of iced Americano you love.
At six o'clock, I saw airplanes in the sky.
I wish you were on that plane,
I wish you were on that plane,ready to go home.
I never felt I have broken up with you with me.
You have been traveling for a long time.
No one knows I have been waiting for so long.
Sitting by the window, I saw the changes in the fourth grade.
I never feel you don't love me,
Maybe you just don't know how to say it.
I'm really stupid.
Sit where you were and wait for the sun to set.
Make a cup of iced Americano you love.
At six o'clock, I saw airplanes in the sky.
I wish you were on that plane, I wish you were on that plane.
I never felt I have broken up with you with me.
You have been traveling for a long time.
No one knows I have been waiting for so long.
Sitting by the window, I saw the changes in the fourth grade.

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