A Poem Of Tang唐诗 官方版 -- 霍尊 高清MV迅雷下载


MV名称:A Poem Of Tang唐诗 官方版 -- 霍尊
更新日期:2015-05-19 18:39:45




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好看的MV:A Poem Of Tang唐诗 官方版 -- 霍尊
A Poem Of Tang唐诗 官方版 -- 霍尊

霍尊的首张个人专辑《天韵霍尊》正式面世,10首新歌陆续上线,登陆各大音乐平台。专辑中唯一的一首英文歌曲《唐诗》尤为引人瞩目。其实,早前这首歌作为电视节目《One Journey One Song一次旅行一首歌》第5期《寻找长安》的主题曲和新专辑预热已向外公布过片段。以中国风闻名的霍尊演唱英文歌曲本就极具噱头,加之新颖的歌词角度、独创性的英文演绎和恍若盛唐的宏大音乐,随着新专辑的发行迅速蔓延网络并得到了业内人士的一致关注。歌词讲述唐朝时一位外国人不远千里来到长安寻找诗人的故事,全部英文歌词同时翻译成唐诗五言绝句,却自然流畅无违和感, 加之唯美的旋律和大气磅礡的编曲,各方面综合得分破表,自发布以来受到网友尤其是霍尊粉丝地大量点赞转载,惊呼为超越《卷珠帘》的神作。官方MV邀请爱尔兰籍男演员Aaron Dignam亚伦•迪格纳姆出演,并取景近日习近平主席陪同印度总理莫迪参观的玄奘西行归来翻译佛经之地大雁塔。除了官方的唐诗翻译,英文歌词目前已被热爱古文的听众翻译成了诗经体、离骚体等多种古汉语体裁,不巧时值诗人汪国真去世,众多网友感叹欣慰诗人虽死,诗歌精神在青年一代中并未遗失。
唐诗 - 霍尊
  There was a country far off the sea,
  on the land of the east.
  I heard it when I was young,
  Mom said it's called Tang.
  I once dreamed a poet called Lee,
  wrote a poem on my skin.
  But I didn't know how to read
  so I travel to find him.
  I heard camel bell rings,
  see the little trip light in the rain.
  Far far away from hometown,
  that's afraid that was too young.
  Ah~ the kids reading in morning
  Ah~ the bell tower rings
  Ah~ I pass the temple
  Ah~ the monks smile to me
  They said there's a man called Lee,
  his famous in Dynasty.
  He too fond of poetry with his friends
  that fragrance on the ground.
  And also wine beyond cities
  by the road mooch in the rain.
  He said that may my main chance,
  that I believe the boy would be found.
  Ah~ I see great buildings
  Ah~ In the poets drink and sing
  Ah~ I pass the palace
  Ah~ Flowers bloom around me
  Ah~ I see Buddha touching the ceiling
  Ah~ I see Emperor through the street
  Ah~ I pass the lantern
  Ah~ I light up poem on my skin
  I saw man wear white in the rain,
  just like the poet in my dream.
  He took wine and read a poem,
  Just like the lyrics of this song.
  A poet written for the Tang.

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