Never Really Over 1080P - Katy Perry 高清MV迅雷下载


MV名称:Never Really Over 1080P - Katy Perry
更新日期:2019-06-03 21:33:57




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好看的MV:Never Really Over 1080P - Katy Perry
Never Really Over 1080P - Katy Perry

Never Really Over 1080P高清MV迅雷下载。Katy Perry终于发新歌啦!全新回归首单「Never Really Over」!Katy Perry在新单粉丝发布会中表示这首歌表达的是从容地接受光明与黑暗。不论是专辑封面还是MV,从抢眼的橙色视觉开始就抢占了你的视觉!不同以往的歌曲,水果姐将过去两年的经历放在歌里,这应该是粉丝们最喜欢她的风格吧!
Never Really Over歌词:
I'm losing my self control
Yeah you're starting to trickle back in
But I don't want to fall down the rabbit hole
Cross my heart I won't do it again

I tell myself, tell myself, tell myself
Draw the line and I do I do
But once in a while I trip up and I cross the line
And I think of you

Two years and just like that
My head still takes me back
Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over
Oh we were such a mess
But wasn't it the best
Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over

Just because it’s over
Doesn’t mean it’s really over
And if I think it over
Maybe you’ll be coming over again
And I’ll have to get over you all over again

Just because it’s over
Doesn’t mean it’s really over
And if I think it over
Maybe you’ll be coming over again
And I’ll have to get over you all over again

I guess I could try hypnotherapy
I gotta rewire this brain
'Cause I can't even go on the internet
without even checking your name

I tell myself, tell myself, tell myself
Draw the line and I do I do
But once in a while I trip up and cross the line
And think of you

Two years and just like that
My head still takes me back
Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over
Oh we were such a mess
But wasn't it the best
Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over

Just because it’s over
Doesn’t mean it’s really over
And if I think it over
Maybe you’ll be coming over again
And I’ll have to get over you all over again
Just because it’s over
Doesn’t mean it’s really over
And if I think it over
Maybe you’ll be coming over again
And I’ll have to get over you all over again

Thought we kissed goodbye
Thought we meant this time
was the last but I
guess it’s never really over
Thought we drew the line
Right through you & I
Can't keep going back
I guess it’s never really over

Two years and just like that
My head still takes me back
Thought it was done but I guess it’s never really over

Just because it’s over
Doesn’t mean it’s really over
And if I think it over
Maybe you’ll be coming over again
And I’ll have to get over you all over again
Just because it’s over
Doesn’t mean it’s really over
And if I think it over
Maybe you’ll be coming over again
And I’ll have to get over you all over again

Thought we kissed goodbye
Thought we meant this time
was the last but I
guess it’s never really over
Thought we drew the line
Right through you & I
Can't keep going back
I guess it’s never really over

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