[00:00:00] Count to Three - Nancy Kwai
[00:01:00] 词:王澄晞
[00:01:00] 曲:ANDREAH
[00:01:00] 编曲:Nic Tsui
[00:02:00] 监制:Wilson Chow
[00:02:00] All guitars, keyboards and programming by:Nic Tsui
[00:02:00] All chorus by:朱琳
[00:02:00] All vocals recorded by:Wilson Chow @ Warner Music Studio
[00:03:00] Mixed by:Frankie Hung
[00:04:00] Mastered by:Alex Psaroudakis
[00:07:00] 走吧 来感受 来享受
[00:10:00] 拿起相机出游
[00:15:00] 全天候 来牵着 谁的手
[00:18:00] 途中多么温柔 紧扣
[00:23:00] 人和物 让我拍下
[00:26:00] 天空海阔 我会对焦好
[00:31:00] 随处暂停 来调角度
[00:34:00] 数三声摆Pose 知道
[00:38:00] I wanna take a little second
[00:41:00] Keep this precious moment
[00:43:00] Cuz in my eyes you\'re the only one
[00:47:00] 湖畔 市集 灯塔
[00:49:00] 排做漂亮方格
[00:51:00] 无用靠谁加一些设计对白
[00:54:00] When I count to three
[00:58:00] So when I count to three
[01:03:00] 心动 难安静 难否认
[01:06:00] 来Zoom In再看清
[01:11:00] 谁侧面 藏不住 形成一种光影
[01:15:00] 看似星空下风景
[01:19:00] 眉和目 让我记住
[01:22:00] 这刻感觉如果等于爱情
[01:27:00] 这一种专属秘密
[01:30:00] 光圈中好好感应
[01:34:00] I wanna take a little second
[01:37:00] Keep this precious moment
[01:39:00] Cuz in my eyes you\'re the only one
[01:43:00] 湖畔 市集 灯塔
[01:45:00] 排做漂亮方格
[01:47:00] 无用靠谁加一些设计对白
[01:50:00] When I count to three
[01:54:00] So when I count to three
[01:59:00] 我数三声和你约定
[02:03:00] 永远一起愉快憧憬
[02:07:00] 每刻天色无法确定
[02:11:00] 仍可拥紧你 多高兴
[02:18:00] I wanna take a little second
[02:21:00] Keep this precious moment
[02:23:00] Cuz in my eyes you\'re the only one
[02:27:00] 堤岸 雪地 小镇
[02:29:00] 留下每步足印
[02:31:00] 拿着镜头多么想向你靠近
[02:35:00] When I count to three
[02:38:00] So when I count to three
[02:44:00] I say one
[02:46:00] I say two
[02:48:00] I say three
[02:50:00] Oh that is you and me

Count to Three - Nancy Kwai


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Count to Three的文本歌词:

Count to Three - Nancy Kwai
编曲:Nic Tsui
监制:Wilson Chow
All guitars, keyboards and programming by:Nic Tsui
All chorus by:朱琳
All vocals recorded by:Wilson Chow @ Warner Music Studio
Mixed by:Frankie Hung
Mastered by:Alex Psaroudakis
走吧 来感受 来享受
全天候 来牵着 谁的手
途中多么温柔 紧扣
人和物 让我拍下
天空海阔 我会对焦好
随处暂停 来调角度
数三声摆Pose 知道
I wanna take a little second
Keep this precious moment
Cuz in my eyes you\'re the only one
湖畔 市集 灯塔
When I count to three
So when I count to three
心动 难安静 难否认
来Zoom In再看清
谁侧面 藏不住 形成一种光影
眉和目 让我记住
I wanna take a little second
Keep this precious moment
Cuz in my eyes you\'re the only one
湖畔 市集 灯塔
When I count to three
So when I count to three
仍可拥紧你 多高兴
I wanna take a little second
Keep this precious moment
Cuz in my eyes you\'re the only one
堤岸 雪地 小镇
When I count to three
So when I count to three
I say one
I say two
I say three
Oh that is you and me

爱好歌音乐网提供Nancy Kwai-Count to Three的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Count to Three的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
