[00:00:00] cindy lou who - Sabrina Carpenter
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:John Ryan/Sabrina Carpenter/Amy Allen
[00:00:00] Composed by:John Ryan/Sabrina Carpenter/Amy Allen
[00:00:00] Produced by:John Ryan
[00:00:00] I saw you laughin\' in one of his pictures
[00:05:00] 我在他的一张照片里看见你在大笑
[00:05:00] But you\'ll be the one with his ring on your finger
[00:09:00] 你会是他的新娘 手上戴着他的戒指
[00:09:00] There\'s red and green everywhere but I\'m so blue
[00:13:00] 四周花红叶绿 我却心情沮丧
[00:13:00] Cindy Lou who
[00:18:00] 辛迪
[00:18:00] Maybe he met you somewhere in the desert
[00:22:00] 也许他在焦躁不安时遇见了你
[00:22:00] While he was soul searchin\' he found someone better
[00:26:00] 他在找寻灵魂伴侣 最后他找到了一个更好的
[00:26:00] Guess you make him happy like I couldn\'t do
[00:31:00] 你或许能让他快乐 这是我做不到的
[00:31:00] Cindy Lou who
[00:34:00] 辛迪
[00:34:00] Ooh-oh
[00:37:00] With your hair so long lips so red
[00:39:00] 你长发飘飘 红唇皓齿
[00:39:00] Ooh-oh
[00:41:00] Maybe we met once I forget
[00:44:00] 也许我们曾经见过 我忘了
[00:44:00] Ooh-oh
[00:46:00] Scrollin\' five years back I\'m obsessed
[00:48:00] 五年滚滚而逝 我依然心碎不已
[00:48:00] Breakin\' my heart \'tis the season I guess
[01:11:00] 是时候了
[01:11:00] Ooh-oh
[01:14:00] With your hair so long lips so red
[01:16:00] 你长发飘飘 红唇皓齿
[01:16:00] Ooh-oh
[01:18:00] Even waking up now in his old bed
[01:21:00] 你甚至在他家人的房子里
[01:21:00] Ooh-oh
[01:22:00] At his family\'s house no you\'re just
[01:25:00] 他旧时的床上醒来 不 你在伤透我的心
[01:25:00] Breakin\' my heart \'tis the season I guess
[01:31:00] 是时候了
[01:31:00] The snow\'s gonna fall and the tree\'s gonna glisten
[01:36:00] 雪将飘然而至 树将被铺缀得闪闪发亮
[01:36:00] And I\'m gonna puke at the thought of you kissin\'
[01:40:00] 一想到你们亲吻 我就要吐了
[01:40:00] The boy who I love is now in love with you
[01:44:00] 我爱的男孩现在爱着你
[01:44:00] Cindy Lou who
[01:49:00] 辛迪
[01:49:00] I told all my friends they said \"It can\'t be true\"
[01:53:00] 我告诉过我的朋友们 他们说这不是真的
[01:53:00] Cindy Lou who
[01:58:00] 辛迪

cindy lou who - Sabrina Carpenter


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cindy lou who的文本歌词:

cindy lou who - Sabrina Carpenter

Lyrics by:John Ryan/Sabrina Carpenter/Amy Allen

Composed by:John Ryan/Sabrina Carpenter/Amy Allen

Produced by:John Ryan

I saw you laughin\' in one of his pictures
But you\'ll be the one with his ring on your finger
你会是他的新娘 手上戴着他的戒指
There\'s red and green everywhere but I\'m so blue
四周花红叶绿 我却心情沮丧
Cindy Lou who
Maybe he met you somewhere in the desert
While he was soul searchin\' he found someone better
他在找寻灵魂伴侣 最后他找到了一个更好的
Guess you make him happy like I couldn\'t do
你或许能让他快乐 这是我做不到的
Cindy Lou who

With your hair so long lips so red
你长发飘飘 红唇皓齿

Maybe we met once I forget
也许我们曾经见过 我忘了

Scrollin\' five years back I\'m obsessed
五年滚滚而逝 我依然心碎不已
Breakin\' my heart \'tis the season I guess

With your hair so long lips so red
你长发飘飘 红唇皓齿

Even waking up now in his old bed

At his family\'s house no you\'re just
他旧时的床上醒来 不 你在伤透我的心
Breakin\' my heart \'tis the season I guess
The snow\'s gonna fall and the tree\'s gonna glisten
雪将飘然而至 树将被铺缀得闪闪发亮
And I\'m gonna puke at the thought of you kissin\'
一想到你们亲吻 我就要吐了
The boy who I love is now in love with you
Cindy Lou who
I told all my friends they said \"It can\'t be true\"
我告诉过我的朋友们 他们说这不是真的
Cindy Lou who

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