[00:00:00] Natural Ability - 鹤The Crane
[00:04:00] 词:Taiyu Lin
[00:05:00] 曲:Taiyu Lin
[00:59:00] I tried my best
[01:01:00] To hold on to myself
[01:03:00] To control my own existence
[01:06:00] Not to act like someone else
[01:08:00] I\'ve traveled through the spaces and the places in between
[01:13:00] Haven\'t found my faith
[01:15:00] But I got some reasons to live
[01:17:00] So I kept on dreaming
[01:19:00] Alright alright I\'ll tap on my screen
[01:22:00] Like a time machine
[01:24:00] That\'s the way memories proceed
[01:27:00] Between me and me
[01:29:00] I\'ve walked through the mountains rivers and seas
[01:31:00] To feel the sand and breeze
[01:34:00] To pick you up some flowers
[01:36:00] The sunlight in my sleeves
[01:39:00] Words came out as I breathe
[01:45:00] Always here with me
[01:50:00] Nothing more we need
[01:55:00] Natural ability
[02:00:00] I\'m living in my dreams
[02:05:00] Never been so sweet
[02:10:00] 一直在这里
[02:15:00] 哪也没去
[02:27:00] I used to beat around the bush
[02:30:00] Now I\'ve learned to tell the truth
[02:33:00] Though it was obvious to you
[02:37:00] Second thoughts helped me this time
[02:40:00] But the answer\'s always inside
[02:43:00] It needs no diving
[02:47:00] Take a moment to pause
[02:50:00] May the darkest pathway lead you to the mountain top
[02:54:00] Where everything seems smaller than a dot
[02:59:00] Hope that I could say it every way
[03:04:00] I feel better today
[03:09:00] Words came out as I breathe
[03:13:00] Always here with me
[03:18:00] Nothing more we need
[03:23:00] Natural ability
[03:28:00] I\'m living in my dreams
[03:33:00] Never been so sweet
[03:38:00] 真实的自己
[03:43:00] What I believe

Natural Ability - 鹤The Crane


鹤The Crane-Natural Ability的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲鹤The Crane-Natural Ability的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供鹤The Crane-Natural Ability的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Natural Ability的文本歌词:

Natural Ability - 鹤The Crane
词:Taiyu Lin
曲:Taiyu Lin
I tried my best
To hold on to myself
To control my own existence
Not to act like someone else
I\'ve traveled through the spaces and the places in between
Haven\'t found my faith
But I got some reasons to live
So I kept on dreaming
Alright alright I\'ll tap on my screen
Like a time machine
That\'s the way memories proceed
Between me and me
I\'ve walked through the mountains rivers and seas
To feel the sand and breeze
To pick you up some flowers
The sunlight in my sleeves
Words came out as I breathe
Always here with me
Nothing more we need
Natural ability
I\'m living in my dreams
Never been so sweet
I used to beat around the bush
Now I\'ve learned to tell the truth
Though it was obvious to you
Second thoughts helped me this time
But the answer\'s always inside
It needs no diving
Take a moment to pause
May the darkest pathway lead you to the mountain top
Where everything seems smaller than a dot
Hope that I could say it every way
I feel better today
Words came out as I breathe
Always here with me
Nothing more we need
Natural ability
I\'m living in my dreams
Never been so sweet
What I believe

爱好歌音乐网提供鹤The Crane-Natural Ability的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Natural Ability的QQ空间背景音乐外链。